The Bank for Social Policies (VBSP) was established to implement preferential credit policies for the poor and other policy beneficiaries. VBSPs activities are not for profit, guaranteed by the State. solvency, the required reserve ratio is 0% (zero percent), is not required to participate in deposit insurance, and is exempt from taxes and other payables to the State budget.
Borrowing from the social policy bank is one of the solutions to mobilize capital for specific purposes of the poor and beneficiaries of social policies with great incentives on loan interest rates. However, in addition to the provisions on collateral, the policy bank loan must also meet certain conditions on the borrowers legal entity, purpose, residence, etc.
What is a loan from a social policy bank?
Borrowing capital at a bank for social policies means that individuals and organizations that meet the conditions prescribed by the State are allowed to borrow capital at this bank according to the credit limits, capital use purposes, interest rates, etc. the loan period... has been specified in the policy banks regulations.
Specifically, the subjects allowed to apply for a loan from a social policy bank include:
What is the valuation of collateral for a policy bank loan?
Valuation of collateral for a policy bank loan is an activity to determine the value of the borrowers collateral and convert it into monetary units according to the market value at the time of valuation. The appraisal is carried out by independent, legally qualified, and competent valuation companies/ appraisers. The policy bank will consult the appraisal certificate, which is the basis for approving loan documents and the loan limit for property owners.
Commonly valued assets of policy bank loan documents include real estate (land, house); real estate (machinery, boats, cars...); resources, livestock, agriculture…
Dossier for appraisal of loan prices of policy banks
The dossier for appraisal of the loan price of a policy bank includes the legal documents of the banks mortgaged property and the request for appraisal of the price (according to the form of the appraisal unit). Accordingly, specific records will be included depending on the type of property.
For more information about loan valuation documents, please contact: 081 519 8877
Loan appraisal fee for policy banks
The valuation fee is the cost that the property owner/appraisal unit pays to the independent appraiser. This fee will be agreed between the unit requesting the valuation and the valuation company, and will usually be calculated as a percentage (%) of the total value of the property to be appraised.
To know the exact value of the property and the cost of valuation, you should look to the valuation units that have a lot of experience and expertise to accurately assess the market and price, so they will make the main judgments. most accurate and fast.
Contact SunValue immediately for inquiries and fee advice: 081 519 8877
The best bank loan appraisal company
One of the leading prestigious appraisal units in Vietnam is SunValue. With more than 20 years of establishment and development, SunValue is proud to become one of the leading real estate appraisal units in Vietnam, the leading brand in Vietnam 2023, the strong brand in Asia 2021, with a system of nearly 50 Branches and transaction offices across the country. As a reputable, independent valuation unit, pioneering the application of technology in valuation, helping to monitor real estate price fluctuations, and completing price data to support the development of Vietnams real estate market and International.
SunValue – National brand that has actively contributed to the development of the appraisal industry in Vietnam.
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